Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap Year Bonus Day

Feb 29, 2012 A leap year day.  A bonus day!  I have decided to pretend that this is a day to do something that I have procrastinated on - at least to make a decent dent in it.  I have attended networking meetings for about 4 years now.  You know, the kind of events where you meet people and exchange business cards?  I have made some wonderful connections and have kept in touch with many of the people I have met this way.   Some have become friends, some I have done business with.

Unfortunately, a lot of those business cards have been accumulating in the proverbial "shoe box" for me to get to "some day" and do something with..... Well, I took the plunge a couple of months ago and created a data base so I could keep in touch with people I meet.  It is a way I can send out an uplifting idea or information I think would be useful.  . 

The discovery that I have made already, with the people I am connecting with, is that many of them enjoy having something positive coming into their inbox once in a while.  I need to connect with all of the people I have met and let them decide if they also want my weekly communications too.  Today is the day to work on that project!

I encourage you to find something that you have been putting off and consider doing something about it on this "bonus day" that we only get once in 4 years!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Kind? Smart? Important?

Here is my regular email from this week....

Recently, I saw the movie "The Help".  It was an amazing film that I would highly recommend.  Since I love to read I also purchased the book.

There was something that was said from the maid/nanny to a little girl that I think is worth repeating (over and over and over...).  She looked the little girl in the eyes and said "You is kind, you is smart, you is important."

What wonderful words!  I encourage you to share this sentiment with someone today.  If you don't know who to share it with, why not say it to yourself?  "I am kind, I am smart, I am important."  Doesn't that feel good?  

By the way, I have created a blog to share more often without being in your inbox with my ramblings more than once a week :) myblog
Onward and Upward,


Sunday 26 February 2012

How Selective are you?

Repost of my weekly email from Feb 7-2012

A couple of wonderful quotes on the related subject of being selective caught my eye recently.  

"Few people take objectives really seriously. They put average effort into too many things, rather than superior thought and effort into a few important things. People who achieve the most are selective as well as determined."

Richard Koch

“Selectivity - the determination to choose what we will attempt to get done and what we won't - is the only way out of the panic that excessive demands on our time can create.”
Andrew S. Grove

You and I spend our time and energy on so many different things each day.  Being selective can make the difference between ordinary or extraordinary results.  Something to think about.

Onward and Upward,


Saturday 25 February 2012

Choice One or Choice Two?

Another one of my emails.....

Two great quotes came across my path in the last week.  I felt compelled to share them with you.

"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." 
Denis Waitley Author and Speaker

"Each of us must experience one of two pains - the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.  Which pain will you choose?"  Jim Rohn Author and SpeakerThese quotes challenged me to look at the choices I am making each and every day.  Some big, some small. My choices are shaping my life!Your choices are shaping your life! 

Decide, with me - today - to make better choices.  Better is a good word.

Onward and Upward,

Friday 24 February 2012

Copyright symbol ©

So I learned something new yesterday.  I belong to a networking group and they have a monthly newsletter.  They are always asking for articles so I finally wrote one for submission.  At the end, I wanted to put my name and that little c in the circle (copyright sign) and the year. I didn't know how to accomplish that, so did what has become a habit for so many of us, I Googled it!

Sure enough I got my answer.  For anyone who may need to know this (and for myself when I forget :)) I decided to put it in my blog so I can refer back to it.

You know how you press the Windows key and E to go to "My Computer"?  Well, for the © you press the Windows key and R and then type charmap.exe which brings up a variety of symbols to choose from - who knew?  OK, probably millions of people :) - but this is the neat thing about discovering things!  Even if it isn't new to lots of people it is new to me (or you).  So many useful things are "out there", we just haven't discovered them yet!

Hoping you discover something useful, wonderful, new today!


Thursday 23 February 2012

Have a "Love"ly Day

Since it is still February I thought I would repost this email that I sent out to my data base on Valentine's Day. 

Love, a good theme for every day, however Feb 14 is especially about hearts, flowers and warm fuzzy feelings.  Today I just have a couple of quotes about love for you to reflect on.

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you." 
Wayne Dyer

"If you love something, let it go.  If it comes back to you it is yours.  If it doesn't, it never was."  Unknown

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails."  1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a
Have a "LOVE"LY day everyone!

Onward and Upward,

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Is there a Goal Card in your pocket?

In December 2011 I started sending out weekly emails with some thoughts and "discoveries".  In February 2012 I started this blog.  I decided not to waste those weekly posts so will repost here over the next few weeks and then always repost the weekly ones so they are here to refer back to - for myself and for those of you who may find them useful :)  So below is the email from yesterday.....

Do you know what a Goal Card is?  It is a powerful reminder of what you want the most.  It is a magical motivator proven to help you to attain whatever it is you want to have, do or be.  I can hear you saying, "Sure, Shannon, a few lines scribbled on a card is going to change my life, right?"

Well, some people would absolutely say, "Yes!"

A study conducted on students at Harvard in 1979 confirmed that writing goals down increased the probability of achieving them by an amazing amount.  Only 3 percent of the students had written goals.  After 10 years they discovered that those 3 percent were earning 10 times what their fellow students, who had not written down their goals, were earning. 

This study was conducted over 30 years ago.  Can you imagine how many people have heard about it since then?  I wonder how many people did anything with that knowledge.  What will you do with it? 

It is now the middle of February.  Is 2012 going to be the same for you as 2011?  How about better? 

I think I will go and rewrite my goal card :)

Onward and Upward

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Fire! – A Good Sign

Consistent, dependable, unfailing - these words describe one of the keys to success in any endeavour.   Since I am posting again, only one day after I set up this blog, I see this as a very good sign. 

“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.”  Napolean Hill

I have heard it said that instead of “ready, aim, fire” some of us instead get “ready, ready, ready” or maybe “ready, aim, ready, aim” we just never get to the “fire” part.  Sometimes I need a “fire under me” or a “fire inside of me” to get to the action stage.

The “fire” I needed to start this blog came from Dee Burks at a presentation she gave recently.  Thanks to her, I am going to be sharing what I have been discovering these past 3 years and, of course, what I continue to discover as I continue on my journey.

Thanks for coming along with me.  I hope you learn something too….

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.”  Napolean Hill

Monday 20 February 2012

Red Letter Day!

February 20, 2012 - a "red letter" day for me (pun intended, did you see the colour of my blog title :))  I have always thought of myself as a non technical type of person, however, I have discovered that once I am friendly with technology, it is most times very friendly back.  This is my first post, I just set up this blog - all by myself - and I expect it will be a great place to share and record my thoughts on a regular basis.  Let the blogging begin!